U Unfer
- Location: Family cemetery on a farm owned by Wilbert Unfer Dickmeyer and Edith E.
Dickmeyer. Farm is called "Heritage Farm," formerly Lakeview.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
(near) Elsberry - Unnamed Cemetery
Uptegrove Pioneer Cemetery
- Location: On a farm between Louisville and Corso, about 5 miles from the Old
Liberty Cemetery where many Uptegroves are buried. The Atlas of Lincoln Co., Mo.,
locates the farm in T51N, R2W, Sec.28.
- Census: Online Cemetery Transcription -- complete
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Vance Cemetery
Verdier Cemetery
Wade Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, take Hwy (61) south to Lincoln Co. road #886 left to #879
right. T48N, R1E, Sec.28.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Wallace Farm Cemetery
Watts Cemetery (1)
Watts Cemetery (2)
- Location: Off of Hwy (JJ) on grave road near Damron Quarry. Go north on Hwy
(61) from Troy to the junction of (61) and (V). Go right on (V). (V) becomes (JJ). Go to
Glosier Farm, gravel road across from this farm running north, go past Damron Quarry
approx. 1 mi. Large barn sits in field on hill to left. Cemetery sits southwest of
barn and old log house approx. 100 yds.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Watts-Lindsey-McFarland Cemetery
- Location: On farm owned by Kenneth Eisenbath, Moscow Mills (1984). Cemetery is
near blacktop road (Z) about 2-1/2 mi. east of Louisville. Cemetery located on land
homesteaded by Henry Watts, later sold to Lindsay.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Watts, Nelson Cemetery
(Nelson Watts Cemetery)
Weatherford Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Whispering Winds Cemetery
- Location: was established about 1992/1995 and is operated by Carter Ricks Funeral
Home. Address: 3838 E Hwy 47, Winfield, Missouri. Take Hwy 47 North from Troy, Mo.
Go approximately 13 miles. You will see Carter Ricks Funeral Home, turn right into the
parking lot and the Cemetery is on the left side of the Funeral Home." which I think
are wrong. Hwy 47 runs East-West. Probably meant to say "Take Hwy 47 north of Troy,
going East. ..." Alternate direction: Take Hwy 47 west from junction of Hwy 47 and 79
and go a mile or two to the funeral home. (Directions provided by Neal Underwood, 2006).
- Census: On the
USGenWeb Archives Site
Whiteside Family Cemetery
- Location: William G. White and Erma Parke White Memorial Wildlife Area (810) acres
15 mi. north of Troy. West of Hwy (61) near Whiteside, Mo., 1/4 mi. south of Whiteside.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Wilkerson Cemetery - (see Elsberry Family Cemetery)
- Location: Elsberry area (1916 death certificate of Dell Robinson; E. S. Morris,
Elsberry, Undertaker)(submitted by Neal Underwood).
- Census:
Wilkinson Burial Ground - (see Elsberry Family Cemetery)
- Location: Elsberry area (1923 obit. of Elizabeth Hester Elsberry Wilkinson; widow
of J. C. Wilkinson who died 1888; funeral in Elsberry at home of J. R.
Wilkinson)(submitted by Neal Underwood).
- Census:
Williams Cemetery
- Location: About 1/4 mi. west of Louisville to gravel road, turn left, down road
around first sharp curve.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Wilson Cemetery
David Wilson Cemetery
- Location: The David Wilson Cemetery is in a patch of trees and thick undergrowth
in the middle of a field about a mile and a half north of where County Roads E and B meet
and 1 mile through the field east of Highway 61. This is private property. The land was
originally purchased by David Wilson, Sr. in 1820. Exact location: 39º 10
01.21" N, 90º 58 11.89" W (39.166694º, -90.971689º)
- Census: Online Cemetery Transcription --
- Tombstone Photo Page
Wilson Chapel Cemetery
Winfield Cemetery
Wright Cemetery I
- Location: On the farm belonging to the Kroupa Brothers (1977).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Wright Cemetery II
- Location: Stones now preserved in the basement of the Old Rock House, home of
Shapley Ross, Moscow Mills (1990).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Zion Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) west to Hawk Point. Then take Hwy (A). Church and cemetery
on the left. T49N, R3W, Sec.23.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. V
Zoar Cemetery
* Past issues from 1982 of the St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly are available for purchase.
