Indian Camp Cemetery
- Location: Warrenton NE
- Census: ?
Immaculate Conception Catholic Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (61) south from Troy to Hwy (C). Take (C). Church and
cemetery on right side of hwy. T48N, R2E, Sec.10.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Ingram Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Jabin Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Jamieson Cemetery (Jamison or Jameson?)
- Location: Louisville
- Census: ?
Jenkins-Shelton-Thurman Cemetery
- Location: In Troy, west of South Lincoln Drive in a field.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Jennings Cemetery
- Location: T48N, R1W, Sec.21. -- Hwy (61) south to Hwy (U) to Junction (U) and (J)
on (U). 0.6 mi. on private drive. Home on left.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Jerome B. Sitton Cemetery
(See "Sitton Cemetery, Jerome B." below.)
Jessie Lee Stone Farm Cemetery
Jonathan Davis Family Cemetery
(See "Davis Family Cemetery, Jonathan" above.)
Keeteman Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, take Hw (61) south to Hwy (C) to #861. Go approx. 1/2 mi.
Keep to left, to farm house, park and walk.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Kemper Cemetery
- Location: On the Russel Taylor farm (1979).
- Location: Drive 0.1 mile south of intersection of Mayes Ln. & New Hope Rd. to shed & gate on left (east) side of Mayes Ln. Go through gate, staying on south side of fence line, walk approximately 1800' NSE through two ravines to cemetery in grove of trees. Cemetery is on private property currently owned by Anna L. Simmons.
(Current directions provided by Mike Vollmer). Directions are also given on the Find a Grave website.
- Location: This map, provided by Mike Vollmer, shows the cemetery location.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Kennedy Cemetery
Kimler Cemetery
King Cemetery
- Location: 3/4 mi. southeast of New Hope.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Kinion Cemetery
- Location: Silex
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Krieg Cemetery
Lanier-Edward Cemetery
(Edward Lanier Cemetery)
- Location: From Troy, take Hwy (61) south. Left on Lincoln co. road #886 (across
from Hwy (U)), left on #879, right on #884, right on #887, 1/4 mi. on the right.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Lanier-Robinson Cemetery
Lewis-Meriwether Cemetery
- Location: Eolia
- Census: ?
Ligon Cemetery
- Location: On Hwy (JJ) southwest of Elsberry, on the Glosier Farm (1981).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Liles Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, take Hwy (61) north to Hwy (F). Go approx. 1-3/4 mi. to
the crossroads, turn left, go approx 1/2 mi. on #319. Road makes a right. Cemetery in
fence line on the north side of gravel road. T51N, R1W, Survey 1638.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Linnert Cemetery
- Location: 8 mi. from Olney.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Lost Valley Cemetery (?Same as Jessie Lee Stone Farm Cemetery?)
Louisville Cemetery
- Location: On Hwy (Z) across the road from Louisville Church, Louisville, Mo.
- Census: The Yellowjacket
Quarterly, 3:1 (March 1977)
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, 9:3 (September 1976)
(Rec'd permission to reprint on this page.)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Louisville Cemetery (col.)
(see "Colored Cemetery of Louisville")
Luckett Cemetery I
Luckett Cemetery II
- Location: On the old Taylor Farm, southwest of New Hope.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII (No gravestones, cemetery no
longer visible.)
* Past issues from 1982 of the St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly are available for purchase.
