E East
- Location: Take Hwy (47) west from Troy approx. 2 mi. Cemetery on right side
in field about 50 yards from highway. One large stone can be seen from highway.
T49N, R1W, Sec.31, Bedford Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Edwards Cemetery
- Location: On Hwy (W), T50N, R1E, Sec.24.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Ellis Cemetery
- Location: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(E). Turn left on (E) and go 1/2 mi to the first gravel road on the right. Turn
right and proceed for 1.7 mi. to the Wilson Farm on the left side of road, just before
MillCreek Church. Cemetery sits next to hose back in field.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Elmore Cemetery
- Location: Go south from Hawk Point on Hwy (47), turn right as soon as you cross
Coon Creek bridge (about 0.7 mi. from railroad tracks), go to first drive on left. Follow
this to house. Cemetery is just SW of the house. Located in SE 1/4, Sec. 4, Twp 48,
R 2.
- Census: Missouri State Genealogical Association
Journal, 2:4 (Fall 1982) p. 195.
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Elmwood Cemetery
- Location: North of the town of Whiteside.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Elsberry Cemetery
- This cemetery is more precisely known as the Hammack-Elsberry Cemetery (See the listing,
below). It is the same cemetery identified in the Census in Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
as "Elsberry Cemetery".
Elsberry City Cemetery
- Location: Elsberry. On Hwy (B), about 2-3 miles west of Hwy (79). Directly
adjacent to the highway on the north, with a large brick planter and sign at the entrance.
T51N, R2E, Sur. 1706.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Elsberry Family Cemetery (a.k.a. Wilkerson Cemetery, Wilkinson Burial
- Location: Highway (79) North to Elsberry, West on Browns Mill Road to Long Blvd.
Right on Long Blvd which dead ends at the Hunt-Guinness farm where the cemetary is
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
(near) Elsberry - unnamed cemetery
Evangelische St. Johinneskibche Cemetery, 1892
- Location: Take Union St. in Troy and proceed south on Hwy (J) for 6.3 mi.
Take gravel road on right (west), next to Zoar Cemetery. Turn west and proceed up
gravel road 2 mi. to abandoned church. Cemetery is in back of church. Name on
church is Evangelische St. Johinneskibche.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, 10:4
(December 1977) p. 129.
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Eversmeier Cemetery
- Location: On the Paul Vahle Farm (1980s). T49N, R1W, Sec.32, NE Quarter.
1-1/4 mi. west on gravel road from junction of Hwy (J) and (WW). 60 ft. south of
county road west of a private drive just past Davis home drive. On the north side of the
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Ezekiel Downing Cemetery
- See "Downing Cemetery, Ezekial" above.
Fairview Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) west to Hawk Point to Hwy (D) go 7.8 mi. on (D) to Hwy
(O). Church and cemetery. T51N, R2W, Sec.21.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Faulconer Cemetery (Listed as "Foulconer" in Gone But Not
Forgotten on-line Index)
- Location: T48N, R1W, Sec. 24, Lincoln County Road #729.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Ferry Cemetery
Fine Cemetery
Foxwell Cemetery
Friedens Cemetery (aka Anderson Hill-Friedens Cemetery)
- (See Anderson Hill-Friedens Cemetery in this collection)
Garrett-Jones Cemetery
- Location: Southwest of Hawk Point, on the Carol White Farm (1960). T49N, R2W,
Secc.31, Hawk Point Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Gerdemann-Cahall Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Gibson Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Giles Cemetery
- Location: Less than 1/4 mi. west of Alonzo Hammett Res. (1981), north of Hawk
Point. S1/2, NW1/4, of SE1/4 of Sec.28, T49N, R2W.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Gilkey Cemetery
- Location: Property of Robert G. Lynn (1991). T51N, R2E, Sec.19. End of Page
Branch Road.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Gilmer Cemetery
- Location: On the Louis Houston Jr. Farm (1970).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Gladney Cemetery
Guthrie Cemetery
- Location: Silex
- Census: ?
Graue-Linn Cemetery
- Location: Linns Mill, Clark Township, land owned by Mrs. Hilda Barbay Ferguson,
Mo. T48N, R1W, Sec.17.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
- Location: Southwest of Elsberry, Mo., Hwy (JJ) on the old Howard Farm, owned in
1981 by Mr. & Mrs. Carr Edwards Jr.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Hall Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Halley Cemetery (?Same as Halley-Liles Cemetery?)
- Location: Auburn
- Census: ?
Halley-Liles Cemetery (?Same as Liles Cemetery?)
- Location: Auburn
- Census: ?
Hamilton Cemetery
- Location: Okete
- Census: ?
Hammack-Elsberry Cemetery
- Hurricane Township, Twp 51N, R 1E, Sec 34. On Hwy (B), about 4.2 miles east of the
junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy. (B). Cemetery sits on north side of (B), 100 feet west of
the junction of Hwy (B) & (NN). Cemetery is just beyond the highway right of way on
north side, visible from the highway, directly in front of the home of Mrs. Leon Lovell on
land known as the "old Luckett farm." (1981) (The junction of Hwy (B) and (NN)
is the location of the annual Old Thresher's meet.)
- Census: Missouri State Genealogical
Association Journal, 1:3 (Summer 1981) p. 127.
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Harmony Grove Cemetery
- Location: Go north from Troy, Mo. on Hwy (61) to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(KK). Turn east on (KK) and go to the Chain of Rocks Road on the left side of (KK). A
sharp turn to the left and go 4/10 of a mi., cemetery sits on right side of Chain of Rocks
Road, enclosed by iron fence.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Harvey Cemetery I
- Location: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(B). Turn right on (B) and go to the junction of (B) and Hwy (W). Turn left on (W) and go
2.8 mi. to gravel cross road, go left on gravel road bearing to right at metal bridge over
creek, go up hill 1/4 mi. to dirt road leading to barn on left. (This building was the
Harvey home at one time.) Cemetery sits next to barn on hill. Cemetery has a stone
wall around the outside.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Harvey Cemetery II
- Location: South of Elsberry, Mo., Hwy (79) on the Burger Farm (1981). Go south on
Hwy (79) to the first farm past the Star Hope Church. Turn right into drive. Modern brick
home with large two story house behind. Follow driveway back 0.8 mi. to old home in field.
Stone sits to right under old red cedar tree.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II. (one gravestone)
Harvey Cemetery III
- Location: Off Hwy (61) on Watson Quarry Road about 1 mi. to Lester Schloemann's
Farm (1970). At east edge of yard fence look on north side of road for fence line.
Cemetery located on east side of fence line in some timber. Old fence around
boundaries of cemetery. Land owned in 1970 by heirs of Henry Smith.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
- Census: Submitted by Carlos W. Earl (g g grandson
of Martin Harvey).
Harvey Cemetery IV
Hawk Point Cemetery
- Location: Hawk Point, T49N, R2W, Sec.3.
- Census: (Compiled Cem Info coming soon -- partial)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
(near) Hawk Point - "Our Graveyard" unnamed cemetery
(near) Hawk Point - Unnamed Cemetery
Henderson Rue Sitton Cemetery
(See "Sitton Cemetery, Henderson Rue" below.)
Henry Carter Cemetery
- Location: On the old Carter place, now the Jim Richards Home, southwest of the Old
Drovers Inn on the Red Ball Route.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Herndon Cemetery
Highland Prairie Cemetery
Hines Farm Cemetery
Hopkins Family Cemetery
- Location: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(KK). Turn right on (KK) and go about 3 mi. (KK) runs between two cemeteries: Hopkins
Cemetery on the right and Dodson Cemetery on the left.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly, 12:3 (Fall 1979).
Reprinted by permission. (Hopkins Family Bible Records also included in this issue.)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Howdeshell Cemetery
- Location: T51N, R1E, Sec.31.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Howell Cemetery
Howell Tucker Cemetery
- Location: Go west on Hwy (47) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of Hwy (H). Turn
right on (H) and go to second county road on the left. Follow this road for approx. 3 mi.
Cemetery sits on the right side of road. Cemetery has concrete fence posts
and road jogs to go around cemetery..
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly, 10:4 (December 1977) p. 129.
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Hubbard Cemetery
Hunter Cemetery
- Location: Northwest of Troy, Bedford Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
- Location: T49N, R2W, Sec.5, Ninavah Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
* Past issues from 1982 of the St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly are available for purchase.
