M Mallan
- Location: T49N, R1W, Sec.28.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Maryknoll Immaculate Conception Church Cemetery
(Also has appeared as "Immaculate Conception Cemetery")
- Location: Old Monroe -- Located approx. 2.3 miles west of Old Monroe. Take
Hwy C, west from Old Monroe towards Moscow Mills, about 1.8 miles. There is a sign on the
road that reads: Mary Knoll / Immaculate Conception Church / Hours of Services --->
(Arrow points down Maryknoll Drive.) Church is located about .5 mile down this drive.
- Census: (Compiled Cem Info coming soon -- partial)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Marx Cemetery
- Location: T50N, R1E, Sec.11. About 3 mi. southwest of New Hope, on Skyway
Farm (1985). Adjoining the Luckett Family Cemetry. Rock wall sun dial on gate
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Mashek Cemetery - aka St. Mary's-Mashsek Cemetery, Bohemian Cemetery
- Location: located just east of the junction of County Roads 597 (aka Bohemian
Church Road) and 591 (aka Mashek Road)/Hwy AA. Latitude 39.00444, Longitude -91.07611.
West of Troy at T49N, R2W, Sec.24. A Catholic Church St. Mary's and the
cemetery was at one time part of the town of Mashek, Mo. The town and church are no
longer in existence, only the cemetery remains to mark the existence of this Bohemian
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Mayes Cemetery I
- Location: Auburn, near Pike County Border. T51N R1E, Section 3. Cemetery lies in grove
of trees in a field on the north side of Hwy (CC) about 100 yards east of the junction of
Hwy (W) and (CC). Directions - from Troy: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the
junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy (B). Turn right on (B) and go to the junction of (B) and (W).
Turn left on (W) and go to the junction of Hwy (W) and (CC). Turn right on (CC). Cemetery
lies in grove of trees to the left in a field about 100 yards from junction of (W) and
Directions - from Elsberry/Hwy (79): Take Hwy (79) about 2 miles north of Elsberry to Hwy
(CC). Follow (CC) as it jogs west/northwest about 6 miles. Cemetery is next to highway on
the north, just before intersection with Hwy (W).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Mayes Cemetery II
- Location: On the Hagar Farm (1981), Hwy (JJ), southwest of Elsberry.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Mayes Cemetery III
- Location: In Lakeview Sub-Division southwest of Elsberry, on Hwy (JJ).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Mayes Cemeteries
- NOTE: Census for 3 Mayes Cemeteries -- Gone But Not Forgotten: Mayes,
vol. I; Mayes I, vol. II; & Mayes II, Vol. II
McClanahan Cemetery
- Location: North of Troy, about 12 mi. to Hwy (E), go left on (E) 1/2 mi. to
first gravel road on left (Auburn MO). Go south on gravel road 1.6 mi., where road
turns sharply left. Park and walk through field gate leading to farm.
Graveyard is inside gate to the left under a large tree.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly, 13:4 (Winter 1980)
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
McClellan Cemetery
McCullen Cemetery ?
- Location: Luckett Ridge
- Census: ?
McCulloch Cemetery
- Location: Northeast corner Sec.31, T49N, R2W, west of Hawk Point on the Don and
Lulu Smith Farm (1981).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
McDonald Cemetery
- Location: Louisville
- Census: ?
McMahill Cemetery
- Location: South of Elsberry, Mo., near Apex. Go to Hwy (M) turn east toward
Apex. Go to first gravel road on right, turn right and go to first farm on right. Mrs.
Wagner lived there in 1981. Cemetery sits on hill above bluff behind this house.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Mill Creek Cemetery
Miller Cemetery
- Location: Near Moscow Mills -- Located T48N, R1E, Sec.15, Hwy (61) south to
Hwy (C) to (MM) go 2.1 miles. Cemetery on left.
- Census: Online listing (#1)
- Census: Online listing
(#2) - complete in USGenWeb Archives
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, 20:1 (Spring 1987) *
(Rec'd permission to reprint on this page.)
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, 20:2 (Summer 1987) *
(Rec'd permission to reprint on this page.)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Mills-Quinn Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Mitchell-Reynolds Cemetery
- Location: Auburn
- Census: ?
Momphard Cemetery
- Location: T49N, R1W, Sur. 1750, Ambrose Norton Farm (1976).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Moore, Quentin Cemetery
(Quinten Moore Cemetery)
- Location: Almost due east from Louisville Church, approx. 1/2 mi. back in a farmed
field across from Raymond Jamieson Farm (1984).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Morris Cemetery (1)
Morris Cemetery (2) ?
Morris Cemetery, Old (3)
- Location given in StLGSQ: 1/2 mi. south & 1/4 mi. west of the junction of
county (K) & Hwy (61), near Briscoe.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly, 18:3 (Fall 1985), p. 89. *
Reprinted by permission.
- Location given in GBNF: Located 1/4 mile south and 100 yards east of Kenneth Wells
Home -- 1/4 mile west of Highway (61) and Highway (Z).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III.
- Location given by Mrs. Alberta Knotts: 1/2 mile south and 1/4 mile west of the
junction of county (K) & Hwy (61), near Briscoe. The Broyles Cemetery is visible
from Hwy K, on the right side of the road. The Morris Cemetery is 1200 feet south of
the Broyles Cemetery, in a wooded area. Take Hwy (61) North. Turn left onto
Hwy (K). Turn left on Stone Wall Drive. At the end of Stone Wall Drive is a
court. Cemetery entrance is at the end of the court. 300 ft SW of electric
- Census: By Mrs. Alberta Knotts, Troy, Missouri, 15
October 1968.
Morriss-Stewart Cemetery
- Location: Go north from Troy on Hwy (61) 14 mi. to Hwy (Z). Go 7 mi. on Hwy (Z) to
Hwy (HH). Go about 1 mi. to the W.W. Finnerty Farm (1982) on the left side of road.
Tsp51N, Rng2W, Sec10.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Moss Cemetery
- Location: On Melvin Peasel Farm (1980s), Waverly Township, T51N, R2W, Sec. 29.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Motley Cemetery
(Sam Motley Cemetery)
- Location: On Mueth Farm, Waverly Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Mumford Cemetery
Nelson Cemetery
- Location: West of New Hope. T50N, R1E, Survey 1674.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Nelson-Cannon Cemetery (?Same as Nelson Cemetery above?)
- Location: Auburn?
- Census: ?
New Gallilee Cemetery (Old Wilson Cemetery is a part of it)
New Hope Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) east to Hwy (W). Go 11.2 mi. on Hwy (W). Cemetery is next
to the New Hope Baptist church on the left side of (W) in the town of New Hope.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
New Liberty Cemetery
- Location: Hwy (61) to Hwy (E) to Hwy (H) to Hwy (PP). 1/2 mile north of
Corso on Hwy PP.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
- Census: Online Cemetery Transcription - complete
(Compiled by Gary Davidson).
New Salem Church Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) east from Troy to Hwy (W), to Hwy (Y), to Hwy (EE).
Cemetery on right side at junction Hwy (EE) & County Rd. 865. Located T49N, R2E,
Sec. 8, Burr Oak Twp, Argentville.
- Census: Online Cemetery Transcription - partial
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. V
- Tombstone Photo Page
Newland Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Nichols Cemetery
- Location: West of Troy, Mo. Take Hwy (47) west to the Hurley Creech Farm
(1981) at Hawk Point. Dirt road on farm to cemetery.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Oak Grove Cemetery
- Location: Go north from Troy on Hwy (61), 14 mi. to Hwy (Z). To Hwy
(HH). Church and cemetery on R. side of (HH). T51N, R2W, Sec. 4.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Oak Ridge Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (79), go about 2 miles north of Elsberry to Hwy (CC) on
left. Take (CC) west about 1 mile where it jogs right (to the northwest) and
continue for about another mile. Cemetery is on the southwest side.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VI
- Tombstone Photo Page
Old Alexandria Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, take Hwy (61) north to Hwy (K). Church and cemetery on left.
Watch for the sign to Old Alexandria. Bedford Township, T49N, R1W, Sec. 1.
- Census: (Compiled Cem Info coming soon -- partial)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Old Liberty Cemetery
- Location: Hwy (47) west to (D). Then to Hwy (E) turn right. Then turn left on
first gravel road. Can be seen from road (1 mile east of Corso on Hwy PP and 1/2 mile
south of Hwy PP on Reddish School Road).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
- Census: Online Cemetery Transcription - complete
(Compiled by Gary Davidson).
Olney Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) west from Troy to Hwy (D). Go 7.7 mi. to Hwy (O),
then 5.7 mi. on Hwy (O). (just south of town on Hwy O).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VI
- Census: Online Cemetery Transcription - complete
(Compiled by Gary Davidson).
Olney-Downing Cemetery (?Same as Olney?)
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VI
Overall Cemetery
Owings Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, west to Hwy (A) to (DD) thru ruxton to County Rd. #457.
Go 1.2 mi. Cemetery on left. T49N, R3W, Sec.16.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Page Cemetery
- Location: Hwy (61) north to Hwy (E) to Hwy (RA). Cemetery on right.
T51N, R1W, Sur.1767.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Palmer Cemetery I
Palmer Cemetery II
- Location: On Eversmeyer Farm (1978). T50N, R1W, Sec.17, Survey 1745.
- Directions: CR-518/Eversmeyer Rd., north from Cr-528/Mackville Road, one mile to a 90°
right hand bend.
(39° 05' 38.33" N 91° 02'20.15" W)
Park by the road on the north verge, hike up the hill and to the right through the trees;
at the clearing, follow the path left through more trees; there is a copse of trees in the
middle of the clearing. That is the cemetery.
(+39° 5' 43.43" N, -91° 2' 19.53" W)
[Thanks to Pat Dunford for the directions and GPS coordinates!]
Parsons Cemetery I
- Location: On Route (O) north of Olney, on the county line of Lincoln and Pike
Counties. Land owned by son of Thomas Hudson (1984).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Parsons Cemetery II
- Location: On the Margaret Parsons Farm (1984) east of Route (O).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Parsons Cemetery III
- Location: On Emery Hudson Farm (c1980s).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Pennington Cemetery
Perkins Cemetery
- Location: T50N, R1W, Sec.8.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Perkins Cemetery
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Pine Oak Cemetery
- Location: New Truxton
- Census: ?
Pleasant Hill Cemetery (colored)
Prairieville Cemetery
* Past issues from 1982 of the St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly are available for purchase.
