A Admire
- Location: About 4 miles west of Winfield, off Hwy (47). T49N, R2E, Sec.28.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Alexander Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy 47 east of Troy approximately 4 miles to Ridge Road and turn
left. Drive approximately 3 miles to 971 N. Ridge Road. The brick home is on the west side
of the road. On the north side of 971 N. Ridge Road there is a small lane, the cemetery
approximately ¼ mile back from the road on the left. It is enclosed by a wire fence and
has a large metal gate. This was the old McCampbell farm, before it became the Alexander
- Tombstone Photo Page
- Locate this cemetery on Google Maps
Allen Cemetery
- Location: Go north on hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of hwy (61) and hwy
(B) turn right on (B) and go .7 mi. to the first gravel road on the right side of (B).
Turn right and go .7 mi. to where road makes a left turn. Home on corner, cemetery sits
behind house in field.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Alloway-Whiteside Cemetery
- Location: T50N, R1E, Survey 1674.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Anderson Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (61) south from Troy to Friedens Church, in field south of this
church cemetery is a wooded section in this family cemetery.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. V
Anderson Hill-Friedens Cemetery
- Location: South of Troy on Hwy (61), right side of Hwy on a hill. (Small church
also here.)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
- Tombstone Photo Page
- Also see Lookups Page, Nancy Weller's entry for Record of
Friedens Cemetery also known as Anderson Hill Cemetery.
Andrew Downing Cemetery
(See "Downing Cemetery, Andrew" below.)
Anson Cemetery
- Location: 2 miles East of Truxton. Just across the road from the Zion
Methodist Church. T49N, R3W, Sec.22.
- Census: Bluegrass Roots, 18:1 (Spring 1991) p.
11. Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Missouri State Genealogical Association Journal, 9:4 (Fall 1991)
(Rec'd permission to reprint on this page.)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Argent Cemetery
Asbury Cemetery
Auburn Cemetery
Auburn Cemeteries (several small ones)
Auburn-Cochran Cemetery, Old
- Location: T50N, R1E, Sec.2, in the town of Old Auburn, Lincoln Co., MO.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Bailey Cemetery
Baird (Listed as "Beard" in Gone But Not Forgotten on-line
- Location: On the John Wilson Farm - W.R. Wilson Farm east of Louisville, Mo.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Baker Cemetery
- Location: T49N, R1E, Sec.28 - Edge of Sec.33.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Beck Cemetery
- Location: T49N, R3W, Sec.11. From Troy take 47 west to Hawk Point then Hwy A
west to Truxton. At Truxton turn right onto Beck Rd then a right on Shepard Farm Rd. The
cemetery should be on the left just as you go around a sharp curve on the Robert Flynn
property (in 1987).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Bernhard Cemetery
- Location: T48N, R1W, Sec.8, Clark Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Bethany Cemetery
Bickel Cemetery
- Location: On Frink Farm (1983). Approx. 2 mi. south of Troy.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. V. (Census taken about 1940.
Cemetery no longer there in 1983.)
Bohmer Cemetery
- Location: T49N, R1W, Sec.4.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Bradshaw Cemetery
- Location: From Hwy (61) 8 mi. north of Troy. Take Hwy (V) east passing the home of
A.J. Cox (1971). The cemeter is on the property of Oliver Bradshaw (1971). Cemetery sits
on lane going into Bradshaw home. T50N, R1E, Sec.18.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Bray Cemetery
- Location: Take Highway (47) east from Troy approx. 4 miles to south ridge road.
Turn right on gravel road, go approx. 1.4 miles, turn left on gravel road and go .6 miles,
cem. is on left with a sign "Bray Cemetery" at entrance. T49N, R1E,
Sec.26, Monroe Township.
- Census: Online Census -- partial
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
- Locate this cemetery on Google Maps
Bricker Cemetery
Brinegar Cemetery
Briscoe Cemetery
Brown Cemetery I
- Location: East of Troy. Go east on Hwy (47) to the junction of Hwy (47) and
(W). Go 0.3 mi. on (W). First house on right. Cemetery is fenced, no gate.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Brown Cemetery II
- Location: T48N, R1W, Sec.2.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Brown Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Brown-Jamison Cemetery
- Location: Waverly Township. T51N, R2W, Sec.16. Cemetery sets behind Curtis Colbert
Home, on land owned by Steven McGinnity (1986).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
- Census: Online Census
Browning Cemetery
- Location: T48N, R1W, Sec.15.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Broyles Cemetery I
(Sometimes also known as "Broyles/Morris Cemetery" because of its
immediate proximity to the Morris Cemetery.)
Broyles Cemetery II
- Location: T50N, R1W, Sec.14. Can be seen from Lincoln Co. Road #524.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Bryant Creek Pioneer Cemetery
Burger Cemetery
- A black cemetery, land owned by Burger Family
- Location: Behind Star Hope Baptist Church
- Census:
Cannon Cemetery I
Cannon Cemetery ?
Cannon Cemetery II
Cantriel Cemetery
- Location: Hwy (K) east of Briscoe, on the north side of the road. T50N, R1W,
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Cem ? (col.)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Clare Cemetery
- The name of this cemetery is uncertain. There is a "Clary Cemetery", located a couple of miles NW of Briscoe. You can see Clary Cemetery here on Google Maps.
- Location: ?
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Clark Cemetery
- Location: On South Main Street in Troy, about 2 mi. south of town. Part of
this road is gravel. Cemetery on right side, fenced and well cared for.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Cochran Cemetery
Colored Cemetery I
- Location: Southwest of Elsberry, Mo. Go south on Hwy (79) to the Star Hope church.
Turn into church, keeping to gravel road on the left. Go about 1/2 mi., road makes sharp
left turn. Cemetery on corner to left. Part of the old Burger Farm (1981).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Colored Cemetery II
- Location: On the Hagar Farm Hwy (JJ) southwest of Elsberry (1981).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Colored Cemetery III
- Location: North on Hwy (61) from Troy. Approx. 10.8 mi. to Hwy (E). Go 0.4 mi. on
Hwy (E) to first gravel road on the left. Southwest of Auburn Junction. Follow gravel road
approx. 1/4 mi.on left side of road in grove of cedar trees.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Colored Cemetery of Louisville
- Location: Turn right first gravel road after leaving Louisville, going east on
Route (Z). Follow gravel road until it makes a right turn, then follow to near the end of
road. Cemetery off to right in wooded area.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Compton Cemetery
- Location: Lincoln County
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Copenhaver Cemetery
- Location: On farm of Albert Morriss Jamieson (1984), Waverly Township, on Route
(Z), near junction of (HH).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
- Locate this cemetery on Google Maps
Copher Cemetery
Corinth Cemetery
- Location: Near Foley Mo -- Burr Oak Twp County Rd. #645. Located T50N, R2E, Sur.
- Census: (Compiled Cem Info coming soon)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. V
Cornerstone Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (61) north from Troy to Hwy (Z) to a gravel road on the right.
Cemetery sits behind Baptist Church. T51N, R1W, Sur. 1710.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VI
- Census: Family History Library Microfilm #0908923,
item 6 (appeared with no copyright notice or surveyor listed) States location as
Note on Cox Cemeteries: I don't know the history of how these four cemeteries came to be on this page. It's not certain whether these are four different cemeteries, or if one or more of them are uncorroborated or the location is mistaken. The first one below is at least documented. The second, the one near Silex, is identified by USGS and labelled on Google Maps. The third, in or near Elsberry, is not documented anywhere else that I know of. The fourth, apparently, is documented as being in the given township and section, but I was unable to find it on a platt map that I have. Two Cox cemeteries were listed in the USGS database, one is the one near Silex. The other is located on a farm located in New Hope. Here is the Google Maps link to it:
Cox Cemetery
Cox Cemetery
Cox Cemetery
Cox Cemetery:
- Location: T50N, R1W, Sec.8, Union Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Craig Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Crenshaw Cemetery
- Location: Between North Ethlyn Road and Hwy (EE). East of the Overall Cemetery.
- Census: (Compiled Cem Info coming soon)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Davis Cemetery
- Location: Located west of New Hope. A part of Survey 1674, T50N, R1E of the
5th P.M. (1) acre embracing the cemetery and a road or passway from the cemetery north of
the old New Hope and Troy public road, which has been deeded to the heirs of Ephraim and
Rebecca J. Davis (deceased).
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical
Society Quarterly, 13:4 (Winter 1980) *
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Davis Cemetery
- Location: Southwest of Troy.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Davis Cemeteries
- NOTE: Census for 2 Davis Cemeteries in Gone But Not Forgotten: vols. I &
vol. VII
Davis Family Cemetery, Jonathan
(Jonathan Davis Family Cemetery)
- Location: Located on the old Jonathan Davis farm on Hwy (Y) between Foley and
Brussels (Snow Hill). Cemetery sets back about 1/4 mi. in weeds, behind small house
at end of a long driveway on left side of Hwy (Y) going east from Brussels, approx. 4 mi.,
half-way to Foley.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly,
13:4 (Winter 1980)
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Davis Cemetery, Old ?
- Location: Warrenton NE
- Census: ?
Dodson Cemetery
- Location: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(KK). Turn right on (KK) and go 3 mi. Hwy (KK) runs between the Dodson Cemetery on
the left and the Hopkins Cemetery on the right.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Douglas Cemetery
- Location: T49N, R2W, Sec.24, Hawk Point Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Downing Cemetery, Andrew
(Andrew Downing Cemetery)
Downing Cemetery, Ezekial
(Ezekial Downing Cemetery)
Duey Cemetery
- Location: T49W, R1E, Sec.7. Cuivre River State Park.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Duff Cemetery
- Location: T49N, R1E, Sec.33.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Duncan-Kilmer Cemetery
- Location: At Silex, take Hwy (E) to Hwy (PP) which goes to Corso. Take first
gravel road to right after leaving Corso, from (PP). Go about 2 mi., cemetery is in
a field to the left. Gravel road leading to same. Enclosed by a block wall about 4
ft. high. Name on blocks I.A. Evans, which stands for Isaac Evans, who was a building
contractor. Cemetery sits on property of a doctor from St. Louis (1983).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Dyer Cemetery
- Location: T48N, R1W, Sec.26. From Troy, take Hwy (61) south to Hwy (u) to
#729 to the J.E. Bockhorst property (1990) on the right.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
* Past issues from 1982 of the St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly are available for purchase.
