Q Quinten
Moore Cemetery
(see "Moore, Quinten Cemetery)
Reid Cemetery
Reynolds Cemetery
- Location: Across the road from Curtis Colbert's drive (1986). Waverly Township,
T51N, R2W, Sec.21.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Richards Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Riddle Cemetery
- Location: T48N, R1E, Sec.25, on Mette Road. Cemetery fenced, two large pine trees,
can be seen from road.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Ross Cemetery
- Location: Take Troy, Hwy (61) south to Hwy (U) to Lincoln Co. rd. #729 to Lincoln
Co. rd. #725. Stones leaning under large cedar tree behind an outbuilding.
T48N, R1W, Sec.24.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Rybolt Cemetery
Sacred Heart Cemetery
- Location: T49N, R1W, Sur. 452 Third Street, Troy.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IV
Saint Alphonsus Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) west to Hwy (H). Take (H) to Hwy (E) to
Millwood. Turn right. Cemetery on gravel road. T50N, R2W, Sec.14.
- Census: (Compiled Cem Info coming soon -- partial)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VI
Saint Mary's Cemetery
- Location: located on the west side of Highway D at the bend just where it starts
to curve to the east about 1/2 mile north of Hawk Point. The geographic coordinates are
Latitude 38.98556, Longitude -91.13. T49N, R2W, Hawk Point.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Saint Mary's - Mashek Cemetery
Saint Paul Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) east to Winfield. Hwy (79) south to first gravel
road on right past Bobs Creek, before Galloway place. T48N, R2E, Sur. 1788.
(Near Old Monroe at Church)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Sanders-Cox Cemetery
- Location: New Hope. Go north from Troy on Hwy (61) to the junction of (61)
and Hwy (B). Follow (B) to the junction of (W). Turn right to New Hope and go to junction
of old New Hope and Elsberry road by store. Turn left and go 1/2 mi., cemetery sits in
field to your right.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Sands Cemetery
- Location: T50N, R2W, Sec.14.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Schmidt Cemetery
- Location: About 2-1/2 mi. northeast of Olney on the bank of Lead Creek.
T50N, R3W, Sec.14.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VII
Schroeder Cemetery
Scott Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, take Hwy (61) south to #886 left, on #879 right on #884 right
on #887. 1/2 mi. on old farm road 75' west of old barn or east of the timber. 1 old
cedar tree - 9/10 mi. past #888 and #887 mostly west. T48N, R1E, Sec. 27.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Seaman Cemetery
- Location: On Hwy (79) south of Elsberry, on the Champ Goodwood Farm (Old Black
Farm) (1981).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Seaton Cemetery
- Location: Go north from Troy to Hwy (B). Turn right on (B) and go to the junction
of Hwy (B) and (W). Go left on (W) 0.6 mi. Cemetery on right on Hammack Farm (1981).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Seivert Cemetery
- Location: T48N, R1W, Sec.32.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Shelton Cemetery
- Location: Near Hawk Point. Take Hwy (47) from Hawk Point to Hwy (U). Then take the
second gravel road to the left, then the first gravel lane to the left to Glen Barley's
farm (1976).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Sitton Cemetery
Sitton Cemetery
- Location: South of Elsberry on Hwy (79). Howard Ross Farm (1981), Burr Oak
Township, Sec. 22.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Sitton Cemetery, Henderson Rue
(Henderson Rue Sitton Cemetery)
- Location: Go north from Troy, Mo. on Hwy (61) to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(E). Go left (west) on Hwy (E) for 7 mi., going through Silex, Mo. to the junction of Hwy
(H). Cemetery sits on hill to left of Hwy (E) at this junction. The land was
originally part of the Joseph Sitton (1745-1832) farm. Later owned by his grandson,
Hankerson Rue Sitton. On private property, permission required to visit.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly,
11:1 (Spring 1978), p. 13.
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Sitton Cemetery, Jerome B.
(Jerome B. Sitton Cemetery)
Slavens Cemetery
- Location: NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec.36, T49N, R2W. Less than a 1/4 mi. W of
Schupman Hgt. and Air Conditioning, RT 4, Troy, Mo. Five mi. west of Troy on Hwy
(47) and south on Giles Road. Ronald L. Schupmann Property.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Sled Cemetery
- Location: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of Hwy (61) and (B).
Turn right on Hwy (B) and go to the junction of Hwy (W). Turn left on (W) and go to the
junction of Hwy (F). Turn left on (F) and go 1.4 mi. Cemetery sits to right out in field
about 1/4 mi., across from home of A.E. Doelling (1980).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Smith Cemetery (1)
- Location: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo. to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(B). Turn right on (B) and go to the junction of Hwy (B) and Hwy (W). Turn
left on (W) and go 5.5 mi., cemetery sits on the right on the back side of a field about
1/4 mi. Field is about 1/4 mi before the junction of Hwys (CC) and (F).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
- Tombstone Photos
Smith Cemetery (2)
Stallard Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, go north on Hwy (61) to Auburn Jct. Right on Hwy (B),
east to Hwy (W) through town of New Hope. Continue south to the junction of Hwys
(W), (V) and (JJ). Go right (west) on (V) to first gravel road on right.
Follow this road passing two houses on right. Stop at old abandoned house on left
(old Taylor farm). Cemetery is across the road from the house and about 1/4 mi. back
in the field (old Dodson farm).
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly,
13:4 (Winter 1980).
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Star Hope Cemetery
- Location: South of Elsberry on Hwy (79). Hurricane Township, T51N, R2E,
Survey 1724.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. V
Stephens Cemetery
- Location: T50N, R1W, Sec.8, Union Township.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
Stonebraker Cemetery
Stout Fort Cemetery
- Location: North of Troy on Hwy (61) to Hwy (E). Turn left on (E) going west
about 1/4 mi to the first gravel road on the left (Auburn Jct). Turn left going
south about 1/2 mi. to creek crossing (Fort Branch). Small white block house
(abandoned) on left where you turn in and park. Walk straight west up driveway to a
fence, keeping the bluff and creek to your right. Cross the fence and walk about 100
yards into the woods, bearing to your left about 45 degrees.
- Census: St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly,
13:4 (Winter 1980).
Reprinted by permission.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Sulpher Lick Cemetery
Taylor Cemetery
Taylor, Jim, Infant Cemetery
(Infant Jim Taylor Cemetery)
- Location: Southwest of Elsberry, off Hwy (JJ) above the Damron Quarry on the farm
belonging to Hugh Stevenson (1981).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Taylor, Jacob Cemetery
(Jacob Taylor Cemetery)
- Location: T49N, R2E, Sec.7.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Teague Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. X
Thompson Cemetery I
- Location: Go north on Hwy (61) from Troy, Mo., to the junction of Hwy (61) and Hwy
(B). Turn right on (B) and go to the junction of (B) and Hwy (W). Turn left on Hwy (W) and
go 2.8 mi. to gravel crossroad, turn right on gravel road cross creek bridge, stop at old
log house on left (abandoned). Cemetery sits behind house in grove of trees on hill about
1/4 mi. behind the house.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Thompson Cemetery II
- Location: On the Ed Meier Farm near Old Monroe. T49N, R2E, Sec.34.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II (one grave)
Thornhill Cemetery I
- Location: East on Hwy (47) from Troy, Mo., approx. 2 miles to Thornhill Cemetery
Road, on left side of Hwy (47). Road is west of Cuivre River State Park entrance and
is now on state park property.
- Census: (Compiled Cem Info coming soon -- partial)
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. I
Thornhill Cemetery II
- Location: T49N, R1W, Sec.21.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Thurman Cemetery
- Location: Off Hwy (U) on private property of Bruce Axelbaum (1987).
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. VIII
Trail Cemetery
- Location: Silex
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. II
Troy City Cemetery
- Location: In Troy. Take (47) west to Main Street. Cemetery on left just past the
water tower.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IX
Troy E. & R. Cemetery
- Location: From Troy, take Hwy (47) west to Main Street, then Boone St.
Cemetery on left past water tower.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IX
Troy (col) Cemetery
- Location:
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. IX
Truxton Cemetery
- Location: Take Hwy (47) west from Troy to Hawk Point. Then take Hwy (A) approx. 65
mi. to Truxton. First gravel road to the right past the Truston Post Office facing
the Truxton Community House, go on the East side of the home of Mrs. Pennington (1981).
Cemetery is northwest of this home.
- Census: Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. III
* Past issues from 1982 of the St. Louis Genealogical Society
Quarterly are available for purchase.
