This page of compiled cemetery data is a collaborative effort by Lincoln County researchers.  Data contributed for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Cemetery Page by:  Patty Jamerson Archer,, 16 Sept. 1998; and Patricia SummersSmith, .   Link change or update: 8 Jan 1999

Highland Prairie Cemetery (No. 1)
Lincoln County, Missouri
(Compiled Cemetery Information -- partial)

Cemetery Location: 

History: Read the history of Highland Prairie Cemetery

Listings labeled as "Compiled Cemetery Information" are surveys of cemeteries where the actual inscription was not recorded, but the information on the inscriptions was recorded and combined into a compiled list of family information for individuals who are buried in that cemetery.  These do not contain the specific tombstone transcriptions, but may have additional family information.  For Highland Prairie Cemetery, we have one partial list.

No. 1: Compiled Cemetery Information (partial):  Submitted 30 July 1998 by Patty Jamerson Archer (

Listing is by surname alphabetical order. 

Burials in Highland Prairie Cemetery (compiled)


Cluny, William
1838 - 1902
(father of Daniel Cluny, husband of Margaret Cluny)

Cluny, Daniel
1863 - 1905
(son of William & Margaret Cluny)
(husband of Sarah F. (Koester) Cluny)

Cluny, Sarah F.
1858 - 1953
(dau. of Wilhelm & Mary Ann (Kinion) Koster)
(wife of Daniel Cluny)

Cluny, Florence E.
Aug. 19,1898 - Feb. 21,1952
(dau. of Daniel & Sarah F. (Koester) Cluny)


Ezell, Marjorie M.
June 29,1915 - Dec.19,1997
(dau. of Ira R. & Rebecca May (Cluny) Jamerson)


Fitzgerald, Doris M.
1923 - 1971
(dau. of John M. & Mary E. (Cluny) Jameson)

Fitzgerald, Thomas
Sept. 15,1945 - June 6,1986
(son of Gyp & Doris M. (Jameson) Fitzgerald)

Fitzgerald, Darlene
? - 1994
(dau. of Gyp & Doris M. (Jameson) Fitzgerald)


Hoffman, Dorothy Jameson
1916 - 1941
(dau. of John M. & Mary E. (Cluny) Jameson)


Hutton, Marble P.
Jan.19,1870 - Sept. 8,1942
(husband of Lula (Jamerson) Hutton)

Hutton, Lula
Jan. 28,1879 - Dec. 3,1945
(dau. of Willis F. & Flora A. (Pierce) Jamerson)
(wife of Marble P. Hutton)

Hutton, Hewitt
Oct. 21,1902 - Jan. 3,1988
(son of Marble P. & Lula (Jamerson) Hutton)



Jamerson, Willis F.
1852 - 1916
(son of Clay & Mary (McGuire) Jamerson/Jameson)

Jamerson, Flora A.
1857 - 1922
(dau. of Morgan & Martha Jane (Hines) Pierce)

Jamerson, Green Montgomery
June 9,1879 - May 15,1947
(son of Willis F. & Flora A. (Pierce) Jamerson)

Jameson, John M.
May 25,1883 - Sept. 19,1925
(son of Willis F. & Flora A. (Pierce) Jamerson)
(husband of Mary E. (Cluny) Jameson)

Jameson, Mary E.
Feb. 20,1885 - Mar. 30,1962
(dau. of Daniel & Sarah F. (Koester) Cluny)
(wife of John M. Jameson)

Jamerson, Ira E.
1906 - 1937
(son of John M. & Mary E. (Cluny) Jameson)

Jameson, Vincent
1913 - 1975
(son of John M. & Mary E. (Cluny) Jameson)

Jameson, Clifton G.
June 12,1919 - May 21,1979
(son of John M. & Mary E. (Cluny) Jameson)
(husband of Norma Patricia (Saitta) Jameson)

Jamerson, Ira R.
April 18,1885 - Sept. 17,1932
(son of Willis F. & Flora A. (Pierce) Jamerson)
(husband of Rebecca May (Cluny) Jamerson)

Jamerson, James P.
Feb. 18,1896 - July 19,1897
(son of Willis F. & Flora A. (Pierce) Jamerson)

Jamerson, Iris M.
1913 - 1914
(dau. of Ira R. & Rebecca May (Cluny) Jamerson)

Jamerson, Bradford W.
Aug. 27,1918 - Mar. 7,1990
(son of Ira R. & Rebecca May (Cluny) Jamerson)

Jamerson, Rebecca May
May 17,1893 - Mar. 4,1996
(dau. of Daniel & Sarah F. (Koester) Cluny)
(wife of Ira R. Jamerson)


Lusse, Nora M.
Feb. 18,1888 - Jan. 15,1965
(dau. of Willis F. & Flora A. (Pierce) Jamerson)


Swoboda, Darlene M.
1924 - 1989
(dau. of John M. & Mary E. (Cluny) Jameson)


No. 2: Compiled Cemetery Information (complete)

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This page of compiled cemetery data is a collaborative effort by Lincoln County researchers.  Data contributed for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Cemetery Page by:  Patty Jamerson Archer,, 16 Sept. 1998; and Patricia SummersSmith, .   Link change or update: 8 Jan 1999

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