Meet the County Co-Coordinator
We hope you enjoy our Lincoln County
site and find it useful in your genealogy and family history research.
It is our goal for our site to be a valuable resource for both your online and offline research. Your contributions have been very instrumental in making this happen as you partipate in its development and growth.
Maintaining this site is a big time commitment and does not permit us additional time to do lookups or research for individuals who may request it. If you need information that you don't find on our site and for which there is no lookup person listed, please join the MOLINCOL-L mailing list and ask your question of the list. It is possible that your question may be answered by another Lincoln County researcher and list subscriber.
Thank you all for your generous contributions to our site and for your ongoing encouragement! If you find inaccuracies, links that are not working, problems of any kind, or have questions about this site, please contact us.
Patricia SummersSmith
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