This file and photo for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Heritage Pages courtesy of Tom Howell, 7 May 2006. Link change or update: 20 May 2006
Families of Lincoln County, Missouri
Howell Family Photos
From the collection of Tom Howell.
Photograph of HOWELL, James Madison
Photograph of HOWELL, Samuel Brady
Logan Howell & Emily (Dobbins) Howell
Logan HOWELL was born 6 May 1837 in Lincoln Co., MO. He was the son of Samuel and Elizabeth HOWELL, one the the early settlers of Lincoln County in 1827 (Pioneer Families of Missouri , Wm. S. Bryan and Robert Rose, 1876, Part 2, The Indian War, pages 114-116). Logan enlisted with the 5th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry on 21 Oct 1861. During the siege of Atlanta he captured by Confederate forces July 31, 1864, and spent the remainder of the war in Andersonville prison in Georgia. He returned after the war and married Emily DOBBINS, daughter of Armintis DOBBINS and Matilda KENNEDY, on 4 Oct 1865. He was a county official, merchant & tobacco dealer in Lincoln County,
of HOWELL, William Brunk
Photo Source from "The Enterprise" , Christmas 1913
Contributor Tom
William Brunk HOWELL was born on 31 May 1858, son of Robert Parrin HOWELL and Paradine BRUNK. William married Katherine Kate NICHOLS on 19 Mar 1884. In the summer of 1904, W. B. HOWELL and W. L. Duncan formed a partnership to engage in the mercantile and live stock business. In February of 1906, Mr. Duncan sold his interest to H. H. Eversmeyer, who lived near Linns Mill, the firm becoming, Howell & Eversmeyer. The capital of the business was increased materially, and the store was given the name of The Enterprise owned by W. B. Howell, A. A. Kuhne, P. A. Kuhne and C. S. Trail.
Photograph of HOWELL, Albert Warren
Photo Source from "The
Enterprise" , Christmas 1913
Tom Howell
This file and photo for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Heritage Pages courtesy of Tom Howell, 7 May 2006. Link change or update: 20 May 2006
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